Do you often feel lethargic? Are you sick more often than not? A weakened immune system can manifest in your body in many ways:
- Slow healing wounds or injuries
- Chronic or recurrent colds/ flu or infection
- Allergies like pollen triggering asthma or hay fever
- Allergies to food, drugs, and/or chemicals
- Muscle and/or joint pain
- Continually feeling run down and tired
- Auto-immune diseases such as Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto’s & Crohn’s disease
Some of the common factors that reduce the effectiveness of the immune system include:
- Stress
- Hormonal disorders
- Overuse of antibiotics
- Insufficient sleep, rest, relaxation
- Depression, Anxiety and Sleep Disorders
- Too little or too much exercise (moderate exercise improves immunity)
- Insufficient intake of nutrients particularly zinc, vitamin C and some of the B group vitamins
At Acupuncture Coffs Harbour we test for immune imbalances and design a treatment program to minimise risk factors, boost immunity, relieve immune symptoms and prevent their recurrence. Your treatment program usually consists of a combination of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine or Nutritional Supplements.